Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here we go!

New year. Going to be full of splendour... I can just feel it.

Tis' the time for most of us to make resolutions, or shall we call them solutions.  Solutions to things that bother us, things that we would like to change, just trying new things or doing things better.  For me, well let's just say there's lots of "things" to work on, but I'd like to hone in on a couple of ones in particular.

1. Patience.  Well, I'm a parent of three...enough said.

2. Appreciating this time.  All too often, I rush, I busy, I hustle.  I need to s-l-o-w.  Eat crackers and cheese in the middle of the floor with my son, watch my girls as they giggle together, listen, watch, enjoy, soak in as much as I can.

3.  Carve out quiet time.  Lately I have been making an effort to force my behind out of bed, before the kiddos are up and the wildness starts.  It really sets the mood for my day.  There is just something about the quietness during the morning for me that can't be replicated at night.  Time to breath, reflect, pray, read, and plan for the day.  It's not always easy, with the girls still nursing through the night, but let's just say, me and my Cuisinart coffee maker...we've been gettin' real acquainted lately.

4.  Have fun. There will be more braids in the hair, times of silliness,  dance parties in the living room and make-up on days that I'm not planning on going anywhere.

All this to say that these solutions that I'll be working on, can't be done in my own strength.  Whatever you happen to be working on this year, do it well, do it often, do it with love, most of all do it with Jesus.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Thanks for the challenge in #3. You inspired me to kick my behind as well and NOT go back to bed after I fed the babe this a.m.(man, did my bed look cozy). But you're right, your day just seems to start on the right foot (she says with coffee in hand) :). Love you and thankful for you!


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